Elkonin Boxes – Level 2

Elkonin boxes are a great tool for beginning and struggling readers to build phonological awareness by segmenting words into sounds. They help students practice listening for and counting the number of phonemes in a word—though this is not always the same number of letters. Mastering this skill orally lays the foundation for both decoding and spelling.

To use, the teacher gives a word and the students push a stone, counter, penny, or other small object into the squares below the pictures as they say each sound in the word. Remember, one push for one sound, so digraphs like /sh/ count for one sound!

The Level 2 pack includes over 100 full page and quarter sheet pictures as well as a phonetic guide to the words depicted. Cards can be laminated or put in sheet protectors for use at tables, in a binder or during reader’s workshop. This pack is geared toward beginning students who are ready for a mix of 2, 3, and simple 4 phoneme words.

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